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The New 'Rick and Morty' Season Five Trailer Teases Battles, Parodies and Plenty of Sci-Fi Chaos

Because that's the way the news goes.
Sarah Ward
May 05, 2021


Unlike a certain lab coat-wearing grandfather and his nervous grandson, we can't all exclaim "wubba lubba dub dub" and zap our way to a different part of the multiverse when things aren't going our way. But, we can get schwifty, kick back and watch a couple of animated interdimensional adventurers unleash their specific style of chaos, with Rick and Morty set to return in 2021 for its fifth season.

Once again, Rick Sanchez and Morty Smith (both voiced by show co-creator Justin Roiland) will do what they do best: not just aping a concept straight out of Back to the Future, but wreaking havoc in as many universes as they can stumble across. Also back are Morty's mother Beth (Sarah Chalke, Firefly Lane), father Jerry (Chris Parnell, Archer) and sister Summer (Spencer Grammer, Tell Me a Story) — and, as both the initial trailer for season five and the just-released second sneak peek both show, they're playing a big part in Rick and Morty's dimension-hopping antics this time around.

Glimpses at Rick and Morty's upcoming episodes are more about the mood, look and feel than the storylines. The show's trailers tease a heap of the out-there situations, battles and general sci-fi chaos that its characters will find themselves dealing with, and leave the specifics for the new season itself. That's been the case with season five so far, naturally — with nods to and parodies of everything from Voltron to Blade bundled into the two trailers to-date, because that's the way the news goes.

As for when you'll be able to watch the next batch of Rick and Morty anarchy — and rejoin the smartest Rick and Morty-est Morty in the universe, of course — the fifth season will start airing week-to-week in the US from mid-June. Hopefully Netflix Down Under will follow suit shortly afterwards. That's what happened with season four, which released its long-awaited episodes in two batches in 2019 and 2020.

Watch the latest trailer below:

OFFICIAL TRAILER #2: Rick and Morty Season 5 | adult swim

Rick and Morty's fifth season will start airing weekly from June 20 in the US. Down Under, the show airs on Netflix — and we'll update you with a release date for the new season when one is announced.

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