
Peruse the colourful buildings and hilltop castle of this vibrant village less than an hour from Alghero.
Kate McGregor
Published on May 26, 2024


While Sardinia is home to many beautiful villages, none are as vibrant as Bosa. With its colourful buildings, hilltop castle and glistening river, Bosa is a scenic gem worth the visit.

It is an easy day trip from Alghero, or if time allows, rest here for a few days in the slow-paced village. 

For the culture-focused, Bosa offers many historical sites and museums to explore. Namely, the Malaspina Castle, where you can admire the view over the town or the Cathedral of Bosa with its marble altar and intricate 19th-century architecture.

If that's not your scene, visit one of the many local vineyards and try the Malvasia dessert wine — a local specialty worth tasting.


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