Witjira-Dalhousie Springs

Sixty natural hot springs on the edge of the Simpson Desert.
Jasmine Crittenden
Published on May 26, 2020


Super-remote Witjira-Dalhousie Springs is a group of around 60 natural hot springs located on the edge of the Simpson Desert, in northern South Australia, about 250 kilometres southeast of Alice Springs. It's certainly worth seeking out if you're driving towards the Red Centre. The Great Artesian Basin groundwater below is more than one million years old, and temperatures in the natural springs ranges from 38–43 degrees, so don't say in for too long at a time — you might find yourself a little dizzy and pruney if you do. Witjira-Dalhousie has cultural significance to the local Indigenous peoples and is associated with Dreamtime stories of the area. Due to its historical importance, the site is included on the Australian National Heritage List.


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