It's Official: CBD Steakhouse The Gidley Is Serving Up Australia's Best Burger
Ranked ninth in the world, no other Australian burger made it onto the annual Best Burgers list compiled by the World’s 101 Best Steak Restaurants panel.
Anyone who has tasted The Gidley's extraordinary burger will know it's something special. Now, thanks to the annual rankings compiled by the respected World's 101 Best Steak Restaurants judges, we know just how special it is.
Ranked ninth on The World's Top Ten Burgers list, the upmarket CBD steakhouse was the only Australian restaurant to earn a nod this year, making its burger the best in the nation. The two carefully hand-crafted beef patties are sourced from hospitality group Liquid & Larder's in-house butchery, located at The Gidley's sister venue Alfie's in the CBD. Once cooked medium rare, they're topped with mature cheddar and a few judiciously placed slivers of dill pickle, all contained within a soft milk bun.

Dominic Loneragan
While customers have the option of adding an egg or rashers of bacon to their sandwich, there are no additional condiments included on The Gidley's burger, and trust us, that's a good thing. When the meat is as tender and moist as this, the rich, beefy juices are more than sufficient to self-sauce every succulent mouthful, right down to the last bite. In other great news for Sydneysiders, The Gidley's award-worthy burger is now also available at Surry Hills whisky bar The Rover.
The monster burger at Shoreditch barbecue joint Salt Shed in London took out the top spot on this year's rankings., leading an impressive showing for the British capital, including Bleecker in Bloomberg Arcade in third place, Black Bear Market in Exmouth Market in fifth position, and Burger & Beyond, also in Shoreditch, in seventh. Burgers from New York, Tokyo, Copenhagen, Miami and Valencia made up the rest of the top ten list.
For the full list of the World's Best Burgers, head to the World's 101 Best Steak Restaurants website.
Images: Dominic Loneragan