Travel & Leisure

Hyams Beach Seaside Cottages

Sleep metres from the famous white sand beaches of the south coast.
By Emma Joyce
June 03, 2020
53 Cyrus Street, Hyams Beach
(02) 4443 0242

Back in the 1920s, a bunch of fishermen built a group of pocket-sized dwellings at Hyams Beach, just 60 metres from the water. Now, they've been transformed into Hyams Beach Seaside Cottages. Painted dusky pink, baby blue and canary yellow, each one has a little porch and ocean views, plus polished wooden floors and an ultra-comfortable, queen-sized bed inside.

All seven cottages are designed for couples, and it's strictly no kids. Each one has a kitchenette, allocated car space and complimentary wifi, plus they all benefit from bush and ocean views from their private decks.

Hyams Beach by Tourism Australia