
An energetic Italian trattoria serving delicious food and whimsical charm.
Reema Hindi
Published on July 06, 2023
Updated on July 13, 2023


This bold trattoria is offering some Italian charm in the heart of Marseille. Splendido is part of the renowned and international Big Mamma group. So expect big, colourful and lively, but with warmth and an inviting charm to make you feel right at home. 

The interiors alone make it worthy of a visit, with an insanely grand bar and circus-themed bathrooms – perfect for your instagram mirror-selfie. At Splendido, bold interiors translate to bold flavours. The menu is seasonal and changes every month, but expect heavenly pizzas and pastas – think hearty food you might eat at nonna's house but with a contemporary twist.

Joann Pai

Top images: Maïté Baldi, Jerome Galland 


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