Things to Do Marseille

Notre-Dame Basilica de la Garde

This majestic basilica, renowned for its stunning architecture, was seen as a symbol of protection for sailors and the city itself.
Reema Hindi
July 06, 2023


Perched atop the highest point in Marseille is the architectural masterpiece that remains an iconic symbol of the city. This grand basilica, also known as La Bonne Mère or 'The Good Mother', holds a special place in the hearts of locals and visitors. 

It is a must-visit for Marseille tourists for its striking neo-Byzantine design, adorned with intricate mosaics, domes and a soaring bell tower. Plus, once you've finished exploring the stained glass windows, sculptures and artwork of the magnificent interior, you can step outside for panoramic views of the city and Mediterranean Sea.




Basilica of Notre-Dame of la Garde
Rue Fort du Sanctuaire
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