Things to Do Sykia Cave

Sikia Cave

It may only be accessible by boat, but a trip to this staggering sea cave is truly worthwhile.
Marie-Antoinette Issa
June 27, 2023


The entrance of Sikia Cave is concealed by a rugged cliff face. However, those who venture in will be rewarded with views of the majestic limestone formations, sculpted over centuries by nature's patient hand. Alongside an intricate network of internal chambers, one of Sikia Cave's most awe-inspiring features is the underground lake, where crystal-clear waters mirror the stalactite and stalagmite above.

With the silence of the Sikia Cave broken only by the gentle drip of water echoing through the cavernous space, it provides a perfect opportunity to take a moment and marvel at the creativity of Mother Nature.





Sikia Cave

Sykia Cave
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