Arts & Entertainment

Dog TV Is the New Streaming Platform That'll Keep Your Pooch Entertained While You're Out

Your four-legged friend can stream relaxing and stimulating videos made especially for canines — and clips that'll help them get used to car rides and ringing doorbells, too.
By Sarah Ward
June 08, 2021

Perhaps your pooch really loves seeing cars drive across the small screen. Maybe they seem to adore Wes Anderson's Isle of Dogs. One day, you might've even come home from work to find your puppy watching the television all by themselves — because they'd stepped on the remote, accidentally turned it on, then gotten comfy.

Every pet owner has noticed their four-legged companion staring intently at the tube once or twice — and likely more than that. Usually, though, your TV-loving canine isn't watching a streaming platform that's been designed especially for barking, tail-wagging, bone-coveting viewers.

Dog TV is exactly that kind of streaming service: an online channel that's all about entertaining your woofer, and creates videos that are specifically designed to do just that. Now available in Australia, it features content filled with sights and sounds that'll appeal to your pooch. Some programs aim to relax them, focusing on calming and soothing your little fluffball. Others endeavour to keep them mentally stimulated, and feature scenes of dogs and other animals playing.

Indeed, making sure that your pupper is fine when you go out is one of Dog TV's big motivations — with its content also made to ease doggo boredom. If you're the kind of person who leaves the television or radio on for your pooch when you head off to work, then you're familiar with the concept. Here, though, your canine can feast their eyes and ears on footage and audio created especially for them, and not be forced to endure whatever daytime TV is currently serving up.

Some clips attempt to do more than just relax or stimulate — by helping dogs get used to car rides and ringing doorbells as well. In fact, you could say that the entire streaming platform is designed to help canines cope, given that anyone who has recently transitioned from working from home full-time to venturing back into the office is now forced to leave their four-legged friend in the house alone far more often.

Overall, the whole service takes into account a dog's usual daily cycle, including when they're most active, and tailors its content to match. "Three programs, including stimulation, relaxation and exposure, have been scientifically created to keep your dog feeling happy and confident," says Dog TV General Manager, Beke Lubeach. "Each program is scheduled throughout the day, exposing dogs to visual stimuli and sounds that positively impact their behaviour and reduce feelings of anxiety."

If you're eager to add another streaming platform to your list of subscriptions (well, to your woofer's list), Dog TV has launched in Australia via Petstock — and if you're one of the retailer's members, you can access a month for free. Monthly subscriptions cost $8.95 otherwise, or you can pay $69.95 for an annual pass.

For more information about Dog TV, or to sign up for your pooch, head to the streaming service's website — or to Petstock's website.