• Event

    Brisbane Comedy Festival 2015

    Tue, 24 Feb - Sun, 22 Mar 2015

    Brisbane Powerhouse, New Farm

    Work those stomach muscles the fun way, with our top ten picks of the festival.

  • Guide

    The Ten Best Shows to See at the Brisbane Comedy Festival 2015

    Time to work those stomach muscles, the fun way.

  • Event

    Anne Edmonds: You Know What I'm Like!

    Tue, 10 Mar - Sun, 15 Mar 2015

    Brisbane Powerhouse, New Farm

    It might not be polite to eavesdrop, but it sure is funny.

  • Event

    Speed: The Movie, The Play

    Tue, 3 Mar - Sun, 15 Feb 2015

    Brisbane Powerhouse, New Farm

    Revisit the movie Speed from the backseat of a real bus.

  • Event

    Paul Foot: Hovercraft Symphony in Gammon # Major

    Tue, 17 Mar - Sun, 22 Mar 2015

    Brisbane Powerhouse, New Farm

    That title says it all, doesn't it? Doesn't it?

  • Event

    The Pineapple Club

    Fri, 27 Feb - Sat, 21 Mar 2015

    Brisbane Powerhouse, New Farm

    Loosen up at this free impro hang-out, and you could walk away with a can of pineapple.

  • Event

    The Biggest Comedy Show on Earth

    Sun, 1 Mar, 2015

    Brisbane City Hall, Brisbane

    If you can only do one Comedy Festival show, here are ten comics for the price of one.

  • Event


    Fri, 27 Feb - Sat, 21 Mar 2015

    Brisbane Powerhouse, New Farm

    Each night's lineup is a surprise at this comedy festival within a comedy festival.

  • Event

    Matt Okine: The Other Guy

    Fri, 13 Mar - Sun, 15 Mar 2015

    Brisbane Powerhouse, New Farm

    Spend some quality time with the triple j breakfast co-host.

  • Event

    Sam Simmons: Spaghetti for Breakfast

    Tue, 17 Mar - Sun, 22 Mar 2015

    Brisbane Powerhouse, New Farm

    Weirdness we'll never tire of.

  • Event

    Sandra Bernhard: Sandyland

    Fri, 13 Mar, 2015

    Brisbane Powerhouse, New Farm

    Visit the land of a legend.

  • Event

    Tessa Waters: WOMANz

    Tue, 17 Mar - Sun, 22 Mar 2015

    Brisbane Powerhouse, New Farm

    Hear about the topic from an expert.

  • Event

    Jupiter Ascending

    Thu, 19 Feb - Wed, 25 Mar 2015

    Various cinemas in Melbourne

    You've got to give the Wachowskis points for dreaming big.

  • Event

    Jupiter Ascending

    Thu, 19 Feb - Wed, 25 Mar 2015

    Various cinemas in Sydney

    You've got to give the Wachowskis points for dreaming big.

  • Event

    Jupiter Ascending

    Thu, 19 Feb - Wed, 25 Mar 2015

    Various cinemas in Brisbane

    You've got to give the Wachowskis points for dreaming big.

  • Event

    The Gambler

    Thu, 5 Feb - Wed, 4 Mar 2015

    Various cinemas in Brisbane

    It may not be a perfect film, but watching Mark Wahlberg play the antihero is as intriguing as ever.

  • Event

    The Gambler

    Thu, 5 Feb - Tue, 3 Mar 2015

    Various cinemas in Melbourne

    It may not be a perfect film, but watching Mark Wahlberg play the antihero is as intriguing as ever.

  • Event

    The Gambler

    Thu, 5 Feb - Wed, 4 Mar 2015

    Various cinemas in Brisbane

    It may not be a perfect film, but watching Mark Wahlberg play the antihero is as intriguing as ever.

  • Event

    What We Did on Our Holiday

    Thu, 12 Feb - Wed, 11 Mar 2015

    Various cinemas in Melbourne

    The Tenth Doctor and Gone Girl's Amazing Amy are far away from this exasperating picture.

  • Event

    What We Did on Our Holiday

    Thu, 12 Feb - Wed, 11 Mar 2015

    Various cinemas in Sydney

    The Tenth Doctor and Gone Girl's Amazing Amy are far away from this exasperating picture.

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