• News

    Interview /// Concrete Playground meets webuyyourkids

    Kirstie Sequitin talks to Sonny Day head of their appearance at Semi-Permanent.

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    Ecohol: Sustainable Alcohol Packaging Design

    A German designer has developed a series of eco-friendly alcohol products made from Tetra Pak cartons.

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    Apple Has More Money in the Bank than the US Government

    Recent figures show that Steve Jobs is richer than the US Government.

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    Tequila Could Fuel Cars as Well as Parties

    Don't drink and drive. Pour it in the tank instead.

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    Three Ideas Shaping the Future of Music

    Technology is changing the way music is made and consumed.

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    Realise Your Childhood Dreams with O2 Treehouses

    An American company is bringing award-winning design and sustainable practices to the humble treehouse.

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    The Most Unforgettable Space Shuttle Pictures

    National Geographic has compiled a photographic retrospective of the shuttle's colourful history.

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    Chris Jordan’s Rubbish Photography

    Artist Chris Jordan takes everyday items and scary statistics to make some thought-provoking digital photographs.

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    Up Bracelet Records Your Everything

    Jawbone's new piece of wearable tech will keep tabs on your health.

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    Weird And Wonderful Phone Chargers

    Need to keep your phone charged at a festival?

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    Google Insights Helps Predict The Economy

    What does the average person do when confronted by something new in their life? Google it, of course.

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    Creative Art Shelves Combine Form and Function

    Creative modular shelf units that can fold up against a wall, revealing artwork on the underside.

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    Prison Populations Going Through The Roof

    A prison in the sky wins the 2010 Skyscraper Competition.

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    Iceland’s Crowdsourced Constitution. Like.

    Iceland use social media to get the people's input for their new constitution.

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    David Lynch Opens Mulholland Drive Inspired Nightclub

    A new nightclub designed by David Lynch and inspired by a fictional venue from his film Mulholland Drive is set to open in Paris.

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    Artist Designed Hotel Without Staff Opens in Paris

    Designed by artist Matali Crasset, Hi-Matic is a self-service hotel completely devoid of staff.

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    Students Create Futuristic Two-Wheeled Vehicle

    Adelaide University students have created an inventive two wheeled contraption that could solve inner city transport issues.

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    Vizualize.Me Livens Up Your LinkedIn Info

    Turn your life's work into an infographic.

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    Luna Ring Could Power the World

    Solar power from the moon could power the world.

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    Kaiser Chiefs Want You to Make Their Album

    Design and sell the new Kaiser Chief's album and earn a quid.

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    Steve Jobs Announces Plans for Apple’s New Mothership

    Apple's new campus is a giant glass ring.

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    Coke Gets Greener With ‘Give It Back’ Racks

    Coke take the cola green wars beyond the bottle.

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    Ice-Cream On A Boat

    How did the Brits beat us to this idea?

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    Recycled Cycles and Bamboo Bikes

    How green is your cycle?

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    Going Gaga for Google Chrome

    The internet goes Gaga for Google Chrome.

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    Shade Cloths that Generate Solar Power

    Super solar solutions for your backyard.

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    Shell Begins Construction on World’s Largest Floating Object

    An energy crisis is looming. In light of this, Royal Dutch Shell are constructing the world’s largest man-made floating object.

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    Discover the Beautiful World of Fonts with New Typography Application

    Eye. Aperture. Descender. Spine. A weird collection of words, but for a typographer, a publication nerd like me or the owner of this new app they make perfect sense together.

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    Turning Trash to Gas in a Powerful World of Waste

    A small-scale device created by Agnion could be used by supermarkets, hospitals and shopping centres to make the most of the waste they create.

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    Branding That’s Friendly First Thing in the Morning

    Branding to make you smile, even before your morning coffee hits home.

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    Highly Efficient Aero-Train Prototype that Actually Flies

    A new prototype that would eliminate the problem of friction between a train and its tracks by flying extremely close to the ground.

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    Open Source Classrooms Provide Ivy League Education for Free

    Fancy a free Ivy League education? Open Culture will teach you everything you need to know.

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    Google Gives Non-Profits a Helping Hand

    Google's recent launch of Google for nonprofits brings together an extensive toolkit for non-profit organisations.

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    $25 Computer Perfect for Classroom Equality

    Bite-sized computer could be given away to school children for free.

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    Recharge Between Classes in Solar-Power Seats

    A team from MIT have created outdoor furniture which can charge your phone and computer by solar-power.

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    Next Step for Sustainable Cities: Smog-Eating Buildings

    Imagine if the materials a skyscraper is made from could eliminate the pollution it produces?

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    New Google Music Service Unveiled

    Google Music allows you to access your music, anywhere and anytime, online and offline.

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    Turn Your iPhone Into a Polaroid Printer

    iPhone case concept can print your iPhone photos like old-school Polaroids.

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    SafeHouse is Rupert Murdoch’s Answer to WikiLeaks

    News Corporation's online attempt at replicating the success of WikiLeaks seems flaky on several levels.

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    The Next Step for Smart Phones: Paper Thin

    Introducing the PaperPhone: an extremely light weight and, as the name suggests, paper-thin smart phone.

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