Interview /// Concrete Playground meets webuyyourkids
Kirstie Sequitin talks to Sonny Day head of their appearance at Semi-Permanent.
Ecohol: Sustainable Alcohol Packaging Design
A German designer has developed a series of eco-friendly alcohol products made from Tetra Pak cartons.
Apple Has More Money in the Bank than the US Government
Recent figures show that Steve Jobs is richer than the US Government.
Three Ideas Shaping the Future of Music
Technology is changing the way music is made and consumed.
Realise Your Childhood Dreams with O2 Treehouses
An American company is bringing award-winning design and sustainable practices to the humble treehouse.
The Most Unforgettable Space Shuttle Pictures
National Geographic has compiled a photographic retrospective of the shuttle's colourful history.
Chris Jordan’s Rubbish Photography
Artist Chris Jordan takes everyday items and scary statistics to make some thought-provoking digital photographs.
Up Bracelet Records Your Everything
Jawbone's new piece of wearable tech will keep tabs on your health.
Google Insights Helps Predict The Economy
What does the average person do when confronted by something new in their life? Google it, of course.
Creative Art Shelves Combine Form and Function
Creative modular shelf units that can fold up against a wall, revealing artwork on the underside.
Prison Populations Going Through The Roof
A prison in the sky wins the 2010 Skyscraper Competition.
Iceland’s Crowdsourced Constitution. Like.
Iceland use social media to get the people's input for their new constitution.
David Lynch Opens Mulholland Drive Inspired Nightclub
A new nightclub designed by David Lynch and inspired by a fictional venue from his film Mulholland Drive is set to open in Paris.
Artist Designed Hotel Without Staff Opens in Paris
Designed by artist Matali Crasset, Hi-Matic is a self-service hotel completely devoid of staff.
Students Create Futuristic Two-Wheeled Vehicle
Adelaide University students have created an inventive two wheeled contraption that could solve inner city transport issues.
Kaiser Chiefs Want You to Make Their Album
Design and sell the new Kaiser Chief's album and earn a quid.
Steve Jobs Announces Plans for Apple’s New Mothership
Apple's new campus is a giant glass ring.
Shell Begins Construction on World’s Largest Floating Object
An energy crisis is looming. In light of this, Royal Dutch Shell are constructing the world’s largest man-made floating object.
Discover the Beautiful World of Fonts with New Typography Application
Eye. Aperture. Descender. Spine. A weird collection of words, but for a typographer, a publication nerd like me or the owner of this new app they make perfect sense together.
Turning Trash to Gas in a Powerful World of Waste
A small-scale device created by Agnion could be used by supermarkets, hospitals and shopping centres to make the most of the waste they create.
Branding That’s Friendly First Thing in the Morning
Branding to make you smile, even before your morning coffee hits home.
Highly Efficient Aero-Train Prototype that Actually Flies
A new prototype that would eliminate the problem of friction between a train and its tracks by flying extremely close to the ground.
Open Source Classrooms Provide Ivy League Education for Free
Fancy a free Ivy League education? Open Culture will teach you everything you need to know.
Google Gives Non-Profits a Helping Hand
Google's recent launch of Google for nonprofits brings together an extensive toolkit for non-profit organisations.
$25 Computer Perfect for Classroom Equality
Bite-sized computer could be given away to school children for free.
Recharge Between Classes in Solar-Power Seats
A team from MIT have created outdoor furniture which can charge your phone and computer by solar-power.
Next Step for Sustainable Cities: Smog-Eating Buildings
Imagine if the materials a skyscraper is made from could eliminate the pollution it produces?
New Google Music Service Unveiled
Google Music allows you to access your music, anywhere and anytime, online and offline.
Turn Your iPhone Into a Polaroid Printer
iPhone case concept can print your iPhone photos like old-school Polaroids.
SafeHouse is Rupert Murdoch’s Answer to WikiLeaks
News Corporation's online attempt at replicating the success of WikiLeaks seems flaky on several levels.
The Next Step for Smart Phones: Paper Thin
Introducing the PaperPhone: an extremely light weight and, as the name suggests, paper-thin smart phone.