About Concrete Playground

With incredible places, events and news at your fingertips, think of Concrete Playground as a personal concierge for your social life.

Concrete Playground is a digital city guide that helps you find the best and most interesting things happening around you. Launched in 2009, Concrete Playground now connects with a wide and engaged audience in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Auckland and Wellington.

Our collective of editors and contributors cast a critical eye over our cities and provide the highest standard of filtered cultural content. We handpick the most electrifying experiences, sort the signal from the noise, profile new innovators and review the latest openings honestly and independently. Browse through our restaurants, bars, shops, events and guides to discover your new favourite places.

We believe your city is only as good as you make it. That's why we think globally and play locally, so that you have access to the most inspiring ideas and trends from around the world. Exploring and dissecting the latest issues affecting your cultural life, Concrete Playground has you covered, every day, and on any occasion.

Editorial Enquiries

To pitch events, venues or news ideas, please send an email containing all relevant details and images to our editorial inbox.

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If you have any enquiries about advertising on Concrete Playground in Australia and/or New Zealand, please contact us.

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