Travel & Leisure

Scarecrow Cottage

A quaint cottage in a coastal Tasmanian town.
By Kat Hayes
May 18, 2020
22 Noyes Street, Swansea

Worth crossing rough seas for, Swansea is a Tasmanian town with under 900 residents and a seriously chill coastal vibe. And it's in this little town where you'll find the quaint Scarecrow Cottage. Built in the 19th century, this little abode features a cosy indoor fireplace and it's completely wifi-less. Plus, you get complimentary wine and chocolates upon arrival. What's more, if you can pull yourself away from the fireplace, it's just a casual five-minute stroll to Swansea's shops and historic colonial buildings. If you're up for a hike, Freycinet National Park is just a short drive away, too.