St. JOHN Restaurant

The iconic Smithfield restaurant that spearheaded nose-to-tail eating.
Kosa Monteith
Published on June 14, 2023


The OG restaurant for the modern UK nose-to-tail revival in 1994, St. JOHN has now expanded to three restaurants, a bakery and even its own wine label. The venues are stripped-back and white-walled, but it's not light fare. Instead the focus is on pure enjoyment and hearty meals. Think the famous bone marrow toast with parsley salad, braised tripe, devilled kidneys and crispy pig's cheek with black pudding. Keep an eye out for their gravy-filled pies, and game such as rabbit and pheasant, cooked in seasonal sauces alongside house-made preserves.

In addition to luscious, traditional desserts like Eton mess, fruit crumbles and tarts, the team at St. JOHN Restaurant bake their own proper lardy eccles cakes, served with bitey cheese. Sit back with a Guinness and a welsh rarebit, and experience why this establishment spawned a bold wave of British chefs.

Sam A Harris

Top image: Harriet Langford


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