Churchill War Rooms

The underground bunker where Churchill and military strategists worked during World War II.
Kosa Monteith
Published on May 31, 2023


Discover the top-secret chambers beneath Westminster where some of the most significant decisions were made to turn the tide of WW2 and secure a victory for the Allies. Part of the Imperial War Museum, the Churchill War Rooms were the subterranean nerve centre of Allied intelligence. See the historic Cabinet War Rooms where government ministers and military strategists met, and learn about the life of Winston Churchill himself in the award-winning Churchill Museum. Images, footage, artefacts and oral histories bring to life one of the most critical times in modern history. You can even see the kitchen where meals were prepared, the original 10 Downing Street door and sugar cubes left behind by Wing Commander John Heagerty. Your ticket includes an audio guide so you can explore at your own pace.



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