News Art

This App Will Search More Than a Thousand Museums and Galleries For Your Artistic Doppelganger

Always thought that your selfies look like art? Maybe they do.
Sarah Ward
January 14, 2018


Doppelgängers: they're more than just a science-fiction staple, a key part of Twin Peaks and the reason that plenty of actors keep winning awards. Whether you've been mistaken for someone else, been sent a photo of someone who could be your twin or walked past a painting or snap that could double as a mirror, we've all had one of those moments. If you'd like more — and you'd like to see how your likeness has been represented in the art world — Google's Arts and Culture app can now help.

While the app itself isn't new, launching back in 2016, the ability to search by uploading your own selfies — or photos of someone else — is. Users are prompted to take a photo, which the app then compares against its database of art from over a thousand museums and galleries in 70 countries. If one of them looks like you, depending on your expression and hairstyle in the photo, it'll do its best to find it.

At the moment, the new feature doesn't appear to be available in all parts of the world as yet, so if you're fond of taking pics of yourself and finding your likeness in the creative world, fingers crossed that it'll be rolled out soon. There's no point snapping away as practice, as the feature will only allow you to upload a newly taken photo.

One side effect, once you can try it out: wanting to visit a whole heap of galleries and museums to see your artistic doppelgängers in person.

UPDATE: JANUARY 20, 2018: Google Arts and Culture app users in Australia can now access the selfie submission feature. Users should scroll down until they see the "search with your selfie" tile, which will then take you through the steps.

Via Mashable.

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