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Artsicle: An Original Artwork Rental Scheme

A new scheme running in New York let's you road test your art before you make a lifetime's commitment to it.
Amelia Walkley
March 02, 2011


In today's art world, it's hard to establish yourself as an emerging artist. Galleries will rarely take the risk of featuring your work, and investors won't even know you exist. Equally tough for wannabe art buffs is to develop a reputation of being a seasoned collector, known for having your proverbial finger on the pulse of the next big thing.

The solution could be Artsicle — a try-before-you-buy art rental program based in New York which provides much-needed exposure to artists and affordable art pricing options for art afficionados. The site allows first-time investors to road test art before handing over the big bucks. Simply select from Artsicle's online catalogue, which largely features the work of young artists, and the original art is delivered to your doorstep.

$50 a month gets you the pleasure of hanging new works on the walls of your home or office on regular basis. If you love the art enough you can buy it for your very own; if you don't you're under no obligation to purchase and can simply swap it for a new work.

[Via PSFK]