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Watch Street Art Come to Life in This Entrancing GIF Project

GIFs aren't just for Lena Dunham quotes anymore.

Meg Watson
October 12, 2014


Street art already has a magical quality about it. It pops up in laneways, on buildings, and on forgotten street corners every night; in a single sleep your city can be transformed. But now, one artist has taken things a step further. Spanish photographer and motion designer A.L. Crego enriches these creations with even more intrigue — he brings them to life.

Utilising the almighty power of the GIF, Crego expertly animates the street art he finds on his daily travels. In an attempt to boost the meaning of each work, he spends between a couple of hours and two days creating each animation. "Some of them are easier than others because the painting was made with a few elements, but other ones were made with a lot of techniques and elements," he told Pixable.

Though GIFs are usually there to be laughed at or shared in addictive listicles, over the past few years they've really taken off as a legitimate art form. There are a number of artists using the medium in incredible and unexpected ways. Far from their most common use as vehicles for Lena Dunham quotes, GIFs (or cinemagraphs, if we're being fancy) can actually be quite beautiful.

Take a stroll through A.L. Crego's collection below. Your imagination will thank you for it.

Via My Modern Met and Pixable.. All images: A.L. Crego.