News Culture

Bondi Hipsters Joined the Viral Old Spice Campaign with Their Own Mahnly Ad

Because Old Spice makes your beard grow quicker. Fact.

Shannon Connellan
August 21, 2014


If you're a well-off manchild who's ever defiantly moved out of home all grown up-like, stole all your mum's tupperware and turned your old room into a storage space because you're great and responsible and have your own Medicare card, Bondi Hipsters' new Old Spice ad will strike a few chords.

The Australian follow-up to the bang-up hilarious viral 'Mom Song' brought out by the deodorant branding geniuses in January this year, 'Old Spice Man Song' (or Mahn Song) has been crafted by Bondi Hipsters for our own market. Both focused on the fact that Old Spice apparently makes you an immediate Man, the 333-riders have put less focus on freaky couch-dwelling, son-clingy mums and more on dudes who move out of home and think they're big ol' grown ups.

Bondi Hipsters Dom and Adrian play two dudes breaking the news to Dom's possibly North Shore-looking mum that he's moving because he's a mahn with a cool leather wallet and a Swiss-made watch, whose beard grows quicker and chest hair grows thicker because of Old Spice. Of course it does, you've seen what happened to this guy.

Watch the Bondi Hipsters' Old Spice ad here:

Then revisit the US-version 'Mom Song', just for kicks.

Via Junkee.