News Culture

Controversial Burger Chain Carl’s Jr is Coming to Australia

Great news for sex pests and very bad news for people with high cholesterol.

Meg Watson
April 02, 2014


Remember when Pizza Hut announced that monstrosity with whole cheeseburgers baked inside the crust and everyone thought our country was reaching a critical moment in the obesity epidemic? Well, good news! American burger chain Carl's Jr is coming to Australia.

Well-known in the US for their total disregard of the health conscious, Carl's Jr is a bastion of oil-soaked gluttony that makes McDonald's look like a salad bar. Many of the burgers on their regular menu contain more than 1000 calories — more than double the content of a Big Mac — and suggestions of their move to Australia were last year met with comments from the Federal Health Department.

Though the franchise already has 15 locations across New Zealand, Carl's Jr will be trialling its run across the Tasman with some isolated stores on the central coast of NSW and none in our capital cities. But, much like our well-balanced blood sugar levels, that won't last long. Currently looking for franchisees, Carl's Jr is reportedly aiming to open 300 Australian stores within the next 10-15 years.

Of course, there's not much you can do about fast food like this. Even with the mandatory nutritional information printed on the side, if a dude wants to eat a heart attack in a bun, he'll eat one. C'est la vie. It's the corporation's marketing strategy which might cause bigger problems.

Since they employed Paris Hilton to ineffectually wash this car in 2005, Carl's Jr's advertising has perpetuated some pretty heinous crimes against feminism. Their ads, which have featured the likes of Kim Kardashian and Heidi Klum, all operate on a somewhat basic mathematical level: sauce = jizz, burgers = vajayjay, dumb people's erections = profit. Prior to their launch in NZ, a similarly offensive Carl's Jr ad was actually banned from airing at all.

So we're not hugely looking forward to what they come up with in Australia but understand it's a bit of a mixed bag. Carl's Jr Australia: great news for sex pests and very bad news for people with high cholesterol.

Via Gizmodo.