News Culture

Melbourne Could Soon Be Getting a Giant Statue of a Dim Sim

The Lord Mayor is countering with some suspiciously pro-meat pie sentiment.

Meg Watson
September 04, 2014


Australians love of big, ridiculous eyesores is well documented. We don't know whether it's something to do with our sense of humour or our love of the absurd, but somehow an oversized fibreglass banana made its way into our national iconography. People genuinely go there to stand in awe. (Disclaimer: I've been three times, but couldn't tell you why). Now, this trend is in danger of reaching tipping point. Is the humble, oily dim sim really worthy of a pedestal? Will it even be from South Melbourne Market?

The suggestion to build a giant dim sim statue has been brought to Lord Mayor Robert Doyle this week by a group of RMIT students calling themselves The Dim Sim Salute. In their campaign material, they claim the dim sim is the "ultimate symbol of acceptance [because it's] developed by the Chinese, embraced by Australian's [sic] and manufactured by the Greeks." Here's the full confusing spiel (watch out for about halfway through when they infer people are unknowingly eating cats):

Mr Doyle's response to the campaign has been underwhelming to say the least. "I respect the passion of these people but I really can't see this one going anywhere," he said before posting this kind of, weirdly, nearly discriminatory pro-meat pie sentiment on Twitter.

The group are circulating a petition that currently has 99 of the necessary 2,000 supporters, but the outlook doesn't look great. Organisers are not even sure whether the commemorative dim sim should be steamed or fried. These are the tough questions, people. Do your civic duty and get involved.

Via The Age. Photo credit: avlxyz via photopin cc.