News Music

Big Day Out Cancelled

Looks like there's a gap in the market for a new Australia Day festival.

Shannon Connellan
June 26, 2014


Big Day Out is out for 2015. After yesterday's news of AJ Maddah's handover to Austin-based company C3 Presents (owners of Lollapalooza festival), this morning Fairfax Media announced a statement from the new owners.

"C3 Presents is proud to own Big Day Out, one of the most iconic and established festival brands in the world. While we intend to bring back the festival in future years, we can confirm there will not be a Big Day Out in 2015," said the statement. "We love working on BDO and are excited about the future."

After the huge announcement by Music Feeds yesterday, C3 now own 100 percent of the beloved Australian festival. Running through Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Gold Coast and Auckland, BDO is now entire US owned — promoter AJ Maddah was yesterday revealed to have sold off his half stake to C3.

Maddah is yet to make his own announcement, instead looking to triple j's Hack this afternoon for an outlet.

Looks like there's a gap in the market for a new around-Australia Day festival, with Field Day's popularity sure to boost in Sydney. If C3 own Lollapalooza, maybe we're in for an Australian edition.

Via Music Feeds and SMH. Image by Peer Group.