News Culture

Wear Music of Artists You Heart on Your Sleeve

Playbutton is an mp3 player embedded in a badge, each one storing pre-recorded content like an album or mix-tape.
Amelia Walkley
March 16, 2011


Wearable art meets wearable music with this trendy idea from New York company Parte LLC. Playbutton is an mp3 player embedded in a badge, each one storing pre-recorded content like an album or mix-tape. Album artwork is printed on the badge, making your music taste an integral part of your fashion statement.

Sure, you can't change the sequence of the music or download new content, but that's pretty much the entire idea. It's only fitting to hark back to older forms of music consumption (like listening to an entire album, rather than buying individual songs) when teaming it up with a retro-style fashion accessory.

Each Playbutton weighs just 0.8 grams, making it 175 times smaller than a traditional iPod; and bands like Mount Eerie, Bubbles and Opening Ceremony are already on board. In fact all proceeds from the sales of Open Ceremony's Playbutton go to Musicians on Call, a non-profit in New York that brings live and recorded music to hospital patients who are unable to leave their beds.