News Design & Style

Behold, the World’s Most Beautiful Box of Chocolates

Like anyone will ever eat these.
Shannon Connellan
January 19, 2015


Now here's some casually beautiful design for your day. Japanese design house Nendo have created a box of chocolates that wouldn't be out of place in a contemporary art museum. Having already made you insatiably hungry with chocolate pencils and ice cream cakes far too beautiful to eat, Nendo decided to celebrate their new title as Maison&Objet's Designer of the Year by creating some of the most stunning truffles you're likely to come across.

Geometric little bite-sized pieces they are, Nendo's truffles were created for M&O's upcoming design show in Paris; an event for which they're also creating the visitor lounges where visitors can soothe their weary tootsies. There are nine chocolates in total, all of which will be handed out to these weary visitors — a stunning little treat we'd be likely to attempt a furious commute home to the fridge with. According to Co.DESIGN, the cubic chocolates represent different geometric forms; everything from a representation of a soundwave to a wireframe cube.

Nendo's chocolate boxes will only be available to buy at the Maison&Objet design show in Paris from January 23 - 27. All we're saying, if you're desperately trying to impress someone with a romantic gesture, bringing a box of chocolates that look like modern art back from a Parisian design show is a decent idea.

Via Dezeen and Co.DESIGN.