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France’s Pop-Up Beach Library

A French architect brings quality books to the beach.

Shirin Borthwick
July 24, 2013


There's only one problem with the beach: it can make you dumb. Seaside days are the most tempting time to read trashy chick lit and airport novels, but what does that do to your brain? And what if you forget your book altogether and are forced to passively admire the glittering horizon while your companions enjoy tales of adventure and romance? Enter the beach pop-up library: a terrific notion from French architect and industrial designer Matali Crasset (whose website is really worth a visit for playtime).

Currently popping up at La Romaniquette in Istres, France, the cute 'Bibliotheque de Plage' boasts more than 350 titles, so there's little chance you wouldn't find something that appeals. Adding a personal touch to the venture, the books on offer have been carefully selected and include many of Crasset's own favourites: for example, the classic architecture text The Poetics of Space, Gaston Bachelard's beautiful and influential meditation on how we experience interiors. The beach library creates its own special space to be experienced, composed of a simple steel frame with tarpaulin wings that form three shaded alcoves for peaceful reading.

The idea for the project arose partly out of local government's focus on encouraging literacy. It would be great if charming libraries like this one were a common sight beside the food and drink kiosks that appear on beaches, ensuring you would never be stuck without a quality seaside read again.