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Melbourne Architect Perches ‘Hill House’ on a Slope

Melbourne architect Andrew Maynard plays with the concept of landscape in this house design.

Anya Krenicki
April 11, 2012


Hailing from hilly Tasmania, Melbourne-based architect Andrew Maynard welcomes the flat, 'blank canvas' that Melbourne's landscape provides. Allowing his design to dominate the landscape and tapping into his ingenuity, Maynard designed his incredible 'Hill House' incorporated into the side of - you guessed it - a hill.

Intended to be a "celebration of the synthetic, the manufactured", the house features a modernistic interior within a "reoriented" layout design. Visitors are ushered into the kitchen, as opposed to a traditional living or sitting room, and the lucky kids get an entire little 'home' of their own.

[Via Lost at E Minor]