News Sustainability

Greenbutts Filters Turn Cigarette Butts into Flowers

A 100% natural alternative to traditional, chemical-laden cigarettes.

Anya Krenicki
March 14, 2012


Just how many finished cigarettes have been stamped out on the footpath, or casually flicked into the gutter? According to Greenbutts, no less than 4.5 trillion annually. And while these trillions of cigarette butts (typically made from cellulose acetate) are technically biodegradable, they take between 10 and 15 years to decompose. In 2006, cigarette butts amassed to 24.7% of the rubbish collected during the International Coastal Cleanup.

Greenbutts has introduced a 100% natural alternative to traditional, chemical-laden cigarettes. Greenbutts' cigarette filters are composed of plant seeds, natural flax, cotton and de-gummed hemp, all bound together by natural starch and water. When covered by a thin layer of soil, discarded Greenbutts will sprout into flowers: a much lovelier and eco-friendly sight than a squashed butt.

[Via Lost At E Minor]