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Instagram and Stickygram Print Your iPhone Photography

iPhone photography apps like Instagram and Hipstamatic recreate a Polaroid-feel in our piccies.
Amelia Walkley
March 14, 2011


iPhone photography apps like Instagram and Hipstamatic recreate a Polaroid-feel in our piccies. We can Lomo-fi and Poprocket our way to nostalgia-town, but still, there's something not quite right. According to the creators of Instaprint, a location-based photography booth launched last Monday, "deep down we all still miss the uniqueness of those square little photos you'd hold comfortably in your hand."

Created by Breakfast, a New York interactive agency, Instaprint is the modern day equivalent of a photo booth, but with all the digital mobile perks modern technology has to offer. The device automatically detects and prints photos marked with a particular location or hashtag using old-school inkless printing techniques developed by Zink. Two Instaprint machines will be showcased at the SxSW conference in Austin this week, where tech enthusiasts can road-test the device. It's still in beta-stage, but will be officially available by March 18.

That's not the only way to get your Instagrams in ink. StickyGram turns your miniature masterpieces into delightful magnets, perfect for jazzing up shopping lists, menus and notes living on the door of your fridge. The service is currently limited to select UK and US users, but as the website assures us, StickyGram will be open to the public soon.