News Food

Ben & Jerry's Will Give Out Free Ice Cream Cones to Celebrate Marriage Equality

The frozen dessert brand tops off their long history of support with free sweet treats.
Sarah Ward
December 09, 2017


Ben & Jerry's aren't afraid to put their ice cream where their mouth is, and not just by devouring their own creamy frozen desserts. In their latest show of support for marriage equality in Australia, the sweet treat makers are giving away free ice cream cones to celebrate this week's historic passage of legislation.

Between 5.30pm and 9.30pm on December 11, visitors to Ben & Jerry's Aussie stores can pick up a frosty scoop without spending a cent. The offer applies at the chain's seven New South Wales, five Victorian, four Western Australian, one South Australian, two Australian Capital Territory and five of its six Queensland stores. If you're wondering why one misses out, that's because their Movie World digs aren't open once the park closes at 5pm.

It's not the first time the brand has demonstrated their values with ice cream, as anyone who asked for a double dose of New York Super Fudge Chunk this year would know. When the fight for marriage equality was still under way, they instituted a same-flavour ban across their stores, refusing to put two scoops of the same ice cream variety on a single cone until the country's LGBTQI+ citizens were given the same rights as their heterosexual counterparts. Now that the plebiscite has been and gone, 61.6 percent of respondees voted yes and lawmakers followed through, the ban has been lifted.

Ben & Jerry's history of supporting marriage equality also includes their 2013 launch of the I Dough, I Dough ice cream flavour and campaign.

Grab a free ice cream cone from Ben & Jerry's stores across Australia from 5.30pm to 9.30pm on December 11. For further information, visit the event Facebook page.