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Brisbane’s Cooking Up a G20 Tribute Burger: ‘The Big Bad Vlad’

No one's naming names, but this is your chance to stick it to the shirtless, horse-riding man.

Jessica Surman
November 06, 2014


With a certain mid-November leaders' summit coming up ever sooner, you'd be forgiven for succumbing to some of the niggling public confusion that's abounding in Brisbane. Common questions are "What even is the G20?" and, more importantly, "Do I get a public holiday?"

While we can't answer those ones for you, we can tell you that reigning Brisbane burger empire Burger Urge is crafting a special, G20-exclusive burger that'll give meaning and purpose to those coming three days of inevitable road closures, military-level security, and jokes about presidents with a penchant for macho publicity stunts involving doing equestrian sports in the (semi) nude.

It's called The Big Bad Vlad, it's billed as the "taste of G20," and it's only available when the G20's happening — November 14, 15 and 16.

Burger Urge say they're not naming names, and that "The Big Bad Vlad in no way singles out any individual leader." But with the timely tagline "Shirtfront one today!", picking up one of these babies is basically the same as giving a big fat up yours to a certain oppressive leader of an unnamed ex-Soviet megastate, a la this. (The cringe level on that one is high, click at your own discretion.)

The Big Bad Vlad comes from a long tradition of continually rotating Burger Urge specials. Recently they've cooked up Fat Elvis burgers with lashings of bacon and three types of sauce, made magic of a plain ol' bun with pork and fried noodles and called it The Genghis Khan, and gone all US of A with ranch sauce and cheddar for The Manhattan Project.

Now, while world leaders and delegates are discussing Important Stuff like the future of world economies and labour mobility, you can do your bit for sticking it to the shirtless horse-riding man.

So what, according to Burger Urge, does that undoubtedly highly satisfactory feeling taste like? Although the burger contains their much-loved thick-cut fries, the Vlad is far from being your regular old chip butty — this is a megalithic stack of two chicken breasts, two rashers of bacon, two slices of cheese, lettuce 'n' tomato, and a dollop of sweet chilli mayo that you'll be hard pressed not to slop all down your own shirtfront.

Yeah. Shirtfront that one, Mr. President-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named.

Image by Ria Novosti.