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This Food Film Series Reimagines Cooking Tutorials in the Style of Famous Directors

How would Quentin Tarantino make pasta, or Wes Anderson make s'mores?
Sarah Ward
August 20, 2017


What if Quentin Tarantino made spaghetti and meatballs? Or Wes Anderson made s'mores? They're not questions most people ponder — but food artist and commercials director David Ma did. In his new Food Film series, he offers up cooking tutorials made in the style of famous movie directors. When it comes to the Kill Bill filmmaker and making bolognaise, for example, expect plenty of blood.

So far, Food Films features not only juicy Italian and intricately created marshmallow and cracker combinations, but also a Michael Bay-esque take on making waffles and Alfonso Cuaron-type interpretation of pancakes. As well as coming up with an artistic and clever concept for revitalising the rather routine recipe video trend, Ma has savvily matched his chosen filmmakers with his food dishes. S'mores are perfect fit for the creative mind behind the visual precision of The Royal Tenenbaums and The Grand Budapest Hotel, of course, and you can't make waffles without some machinery, which the Transformers-directing Bay clearly loves.

A second series is currently in the storyboarding phase, which means more stylised culinary cinema fun will be coming our way soon. Just who he'll be emulating, and what meals he'll be shooting, hasn't been revealed — but surely a David Lynch-style cherry pie or doughnut video (or something with creamed corn, thanks to Twin Peaks' darker side) would go down a treat.

Check out QT's take on a pasta staple below, and head to Ma's website for the full series.

Via Fast Company.

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