Maison d'Art

Explore the artworks of masters old and new at this gallery at the helm of Monaco's creative scene.
Hudson Brown
Published on May 28, 2024


Founded in 1997, Maison d'Art has operated at the forefront of Monaco's creative scene for 25 years through landmark exhibitions and services for collectors. Specialising in the old masters, the gallery's pieces focus on artists from the 13th to 18th centuries, such as Francesco de Mura and Paolo Monaldi.

However, Maison d'Art doesn't overlook the present, holding numerous paintings and sculptures from contemporary figures like Manolo Valdés and Marcello Lo Giudice. Having contributed pieces to the Louvre, the Getty Museum, and the Met, Maison d'Art is also a mainstay at art fairs held around the globe.

If you want to ensure you can explore its collection, make an appointment with the team to browse its exhibits.

Image: Venue via Google Maps


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