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Sweden’s Treehouse Hotel

The hotel has five different rooms, all of which are themed differently and offer much more than your standard bed and complementary chocolate.

Christopher Kevin Au
October 28, 2011


The Swedish village of Harads is home to only 600 people, but houses something truly special. Treehotel is a unique hotel that sits in the undisturbed forest. The hotel has five different rooms, all of which are themed differently and offer much more than your standard bed and complementary chocolate.

These rooms created by Treehotel aren't just cool designs; they also contain environmentally-friendly combustion toilets and are built from chemical-free wood. One room uses mirrors on all its outer walls to reflect the surrounding trees, but is coated in infrared film so that birds don't fly into it. Amazingly considerate.

Another room is decorated as a giant bird's nest, and according to Treehotel it is 'camouflage so you quickly disappear and become part of the surroundings.' Hopefully you don't get swarmed by feathered Swedish creatures upon entry. While this room sits in harmony with the surrounding nature, another room does the exact opposite as it is shaped as a UFO. Spread over two levels, it can house up to four people and comes with some cute astronomy-themed cushions too.

The best part is that you can call your mates staying in the bird's nest and all head to the communal sauna for a good dose of relaxation. According to Treehotel, Greek philosopher Plato 'knew that trees and steam baths together made the perfect stimulus for philosophical thoughts and ideas.' Therefore you might want to read some books before heading up the sauna for some intense discussion about the purpose of human existence.

While there are five different rooms avaliable now, a total of 24 rooms have been planned.