News Culture

Support Local Comedy, Vote and Win in the TV3 People’s Choice Award

Support local comedy and VOTE for your favourite comedian... plus win the ultimate overseas comedy experience by doing so!

Will Seal
April 05, 2013


With the New Zealand International Comedy Festival just around the corner, TV3 has partnered with the brains behind NZ's biggest laughter showcase and announced a brand spanking new award category.

The TV3 People's Choice Award will sit alongside the illustrious Billy T and FRED Awards and basically calls for Kiwi's to have their say, with the power of a vote, on who they think should be crowned the People's Choice.

The good stuff? The winning comedian (and a mate) will be sent on an all-expenses paid trip to one of the world's biggest comedy events – the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. And better for us? One lucky voter and a mate will be heading along too.

As they say in all good democracies every vote counts (and you can vote once per day), so be sure to show your support for local comedy and the smart-ass that you love to laugh at. Full details and voting at

If you're stuck for ideas on who to vote for, we also suggest checking out the Comedy Gala on TV3 next week Sunday (about 8:30pm).  But if you can't be bothered, we think that personally, you should vote for this guy: