Poppy Turns iPhones Into 3D Camera

Poppy is an interesting mix of nostalgia and futuristic technology, creating amazing 3D experiences when teamed up with an iPhone.

Fritha Hookway
Published on July 04, 2013

Poppy is an interesting mix of nostalgia and futuristic technology. While it definitely looks like a pre-schooler’s View Master toy, it’s far from simple. When you slot an iPhone or fifth gen iPod Touch into Poppy, mirrors inside the device capture two stereographic images using the iPhone’s two cameras. This turns images into a 3D photo or video when looked through.

Poppy is compatible with YouTube’s 3D channel so viewing images and videos is extended into this platform, and the developers have created an app for it as well.

Similar to Google Glass, it probably won’t be too long before we’re laughing at how clunky and unsubtle Poppy is, but for the moment it’s definitely leading the way in the field of mobile 3D experiences.

[via PSFK]

Published on July 04, 2013 by Fritha Hookway
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