News Culture

Red Bull Flying Bach Coming to Auckland

Head spins driven by the keys of a piano and windmills following an obbligato.

Stephen Heard
June 10, 2014


German breakdance crew Flying Steps will bring classical music to the streets of Auckland in September with their genre-melting production Flying Bach.

Under the guise of opera director Christoph Hagel, Flying Bach fuses masterpieces of 18th century German Baroque composer, Johann Sebastian Bach, with the high flying, acrobatic dance style of the four time world champions. Picture head spins driven by the keys of a piano, windmills following an obbligato. The overall storyline visualises Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier, which is often regarded as being among the most influential works in the history of Western classical music.

Following the sold-out 2013 World Tour, Flying Steps will bring the production to Auckland’s ASB Theatre, from September 4 – 6, 2014. Tickets from Ticketmaster.