News Culture

Iggy Pop Admits that Justin Bieber is the Future of Rock Music

Laetitia Laubscher
June 24, 2014


"Justin Bieber is the future of rock music." Iggy Pop

It may sound like the start of a Tui billboard is actually part of a new Amnesty International Belgium anti-torturing campaign featuring Karl Lagerfield, the Dalai Lama and Iggy Pop.

Stop Torture quotes these celebrities saying the unlikeliest statements of their careers while looking like they've just been 240/242d pretty badly. Amnesty International Belgium director Philippe Hensmans explains, "For us it was a quirky but not sloppy way to attract public attention to [the] tragic reality [of torture], which often happens in the greatest secrecy."

In addition to being inhumane, torture is also ineffective. "The history has shown that tortured people are often willing to say anything for the pain to stop – the whole truth, only a part or its opposite... Torture a man and you can get him to say anything."

The UN adopted the Convention Against Torture in 1984, but many governments like the US, Mexico, North Korea, Philippines and Nigeria are still torturing today. "Governments around the world are two-faced on torture - prohibiting it in law, but facilitating it in practice" says Salil Shetty, Amnesty International's Secretary General.

Check out the campaign posters below.

"The summit of elegance is a hawaiian shirt with jandals." Karl Lagerfield

"The future of rock and roll is Justin Bieber." Iggy Pop

"A man who doesn't own a Rolex watch by the time he's 50 has failed in life." Dalai Lama

Article via The Independent