Rhythm and Vines is Bringing a Piece of Glastonbury to the Festival

A 4000-strong, flame-shooting dance floor - all made out of an old cowshed.

Stephen Heard
Published on June 27, 2014

Just when you thought they’d done it all, the folks at Rhythm and Vines go and pull out of the bag a 4000-strong, flame-shooting dance floor - all made out of an old cowshed for good measure.

You heard it right folks. The organisers will be bringing a little added touch of the weird/cool/exciting to the 2014 festival, with the inclusion of the infamous Arcadia Afterburner. The Arcadia Afterburner stage has been a regular feature at the UK's Glastonbury Festival, and is known for fusing elements of sculpture, architecture, fire, music and lighting to build “a multi sensory experience.”

At Rhythm and Vines 2014, the mammoth beast will house a 4000 strong dance floor, with a DJ booth at the core of the structure, a towering spire that fires 30 foot flames into the air, flaming tree sculptures, and a barrage of light and visuals that shoot out across the crowd in synchronization. Surrounded by a heavyweight sound system, the spiraling arms of the afterburner reach into the crowd creating multi level dance platforms along them.

It will be the first time the Arcadia Afterburner has been to New Zealand. View the gallery of photos here.

Published on June 27, 2014 by Stephen Heard
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