News Technology

Charge Your Phone By Dancing With This Genius New Device

Trade in those power bills for some Beyonce.

Meg Watson
October 12, 2014


The future is here and all our problems are solved. Or, more accurately, one specific problem that bugs us a bit. Three engineering students from the US have created a device that harnesses energy from your everyday activities to charge your phone on the go. No more crouching next to power points or annoyingly asking bartenders to pop your phone behind the bar. With this, you can genuinely re-charge your battery by dancing.

This kind of technology has been around for a while now, but never in such a convenient form. Fitting in the palm of your hand, Ampy is a little power pack that can easily be strapped to your arm or popped in your pocket. Each of your movements are then used to power the lithium ion battery inside and that in turn is used to charge your phone when hooked up via a USB cord. Though you don't need to use the energy right away, a 30-minute run supposedly keeps your phone on for three hours.

Understandably, people are already crazy excited for this thing. A Kickstarter campaign was launched to get production underway, and it reached its $100,000 target within three days. By the end of the 30 day funding period, it will have basically taken over the world.

Of course, there are a number of reasons why this thing is great. Yes, it offers convenient power for when you're out and about, but it also encourages you to get off your butt and move. Prompting you to take the stairs instead of the elevator or ride your bike into the city, this tricky device may be the best health initiative we've ever seen. It also has the added benefit of using 100 per cent renewable energy.

Forget coal mining and big electricity bills; pop on some Beyonce and dance yourself into some power. Either that, or cheat and clip it to your dog.

Ampy won't be available in stores until June 2015, but you can grab yourself a discounted product from the first shipment by backing their Kickstarter now. A US$75 pledge (plus $15 delivery fee) will get you the device itself, or you can grab a full accessory pack as well for US$95.

Via Buzzfeed and Forbes.