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Live Stream Intimate Rehearsals at the World's Best Ballet Companies Today

World Ballet Day is here.
Imogen Baker
October 04, 2016


Hey there, lovers of ballet and regular folks who like to feel gloriously inflexible — it's World Ballet Day, a whole day of dedicated to some of the most iconic ballet troupes in history, and it's being streamed live for you to enjoy.

Sure, watching the fittest people on earth prance about in achtivewear with the elegance of swans while you're sitting on the couch inhaling Doritos may make you feel slightly inadequate. But where else will you be able to see behind the scenes footage and rehearsals of the Bolshoi Ballet, Australian Ballet, The Royal Ballet, the National Ballet of Canada and the San Francisco ballet streamed over 20 hours? Not every day, that's when. It's a rare treat, take full advantage.

Go on. Log on and watch the beautiful people twirl.

Image: Kate Longley.