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Fashion Rental Service Designer Wardrobe Finds a Permanent Home in Grafton

Flick through a wardrobe that isn't your own at the new concept space.
Annie Hollister-Jones
November 27, 2017


For the first time in your life you can flick through a wardrobe that isn't your own without having to check if your sister is home every five seconds. You can also say goodbye to the worry of getting sprung and having the clothes ripped off your naked body.

Designer Wardrobe, the company responsible for introducing modern-market peer-to-peer fashion rentals to New Zealand, has earned another badge, this time making its virtual experience a real life one.

In the last 12 months Designer Wardrobe has grown bigger than your secret stash of 'borrowed' clothing that may or may not be your flatmate's. This success is precisely the reason why founder Donielle Brooke decided to create the brand's first ever dedicated fashion rentals concept space in Grafton.

Having "nothing to wear" has always been a rather far-fetched excuse, but having nothing nice to wear is definitely a thing of the past when you can borrow from a wardrobe lined with brands like Ruby, Zimmermann, Sass & Bide, Trelise Cooper, Realisation Par, Alice McCall and many more. The best part about Designer Wardrobe is that you can borrow at a fraction of the retail price, while never suffering the indignity of having to wear that pink dress with the low scooping back again.

If you thought your mum's walk-in wardrobe was a little fancy, think again. At Designer Wardrobe borrowing clothes has never felt so luxurious; the retail space is decorated with marble surfaces and velvet curtains, with tablets readily available to use for customers to purchase their rental, browse extra listings on the website to rent or purchase, and even create their own account to start selling or renting out their wardrobe.

Don't settle for anxiety, hyperventilation and a dress you've worn two times too many. Visit the new Designer Wardrobe real life wardrobe at 31a Boston Road, Grafton. It's open Monday to Friday 10am-5pm and Saturday 10am-3pm. No apologies or lurking in shadows necessary.