Climate Change Art Installations Seen From Space

The world's only art installation visible by satellite.
Lucy Rose Fokkema
Published on December 01, 2010

Photos from the 350 Earth global climate art project are beginning to roll in, and boy are they something.

During the project, which ended last weekend, activists, artists and citizens created massive public art installations to show how climate change is impacting our world. The art installations, which were created in over a dozen locations across the globe, were large enough to be seen from space and some of these happy-snaps were taken by satellite.

The final installation was spearheaded by none other than Radiohead's Thom Yorke - a giant human-sculpture on chilly Brighton Beach of legendary King Canute trying to hold back the rising sea. The rest of the supersized photos can be found at the project's website.

New York 350 Earth Photo

Mexico City 350 Earth Photo

Brighton 350 Earth Photo

Published on December 01, 2010 by Lucy Rose Fokkema
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