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Banksy Takes On TV

While most people think of a concept before a title is given to the project, graffiti artist and satire king Banksy does the opposite.

Clarizza Fernandez
August 17, 2011


While most people think of a concept before a title is given to the project, graffiti artist and satire king Banksy does the opposite. The reclusive English artist and activist ventured into the world of TV last Saturday with his show The Antics Roadshow, a title he claims was born before the show's concept.

In a statement Banksy said that "Basically I just thought it was a good name for a TV programme and I've been working back from there."

Banksy's foray into TV takes a look at a topic he is most familiar with: public pranks. But his approach is tongue-in-cheek; from the 2010 politically motivated prank by Russian performance art group Voina to the pie-in-face pranks of Noel Godin, The Antics Roadshow (a pun on the iconic British TV show Antiques Roadshow) celebrates the humorous side and, at times, poignant statements of recent pranks and pranksters.

The hour-long TV show is currently being aired on UK's Channel 4 and is narrated by English actress Kathy Burke and produced by Jamie D'cruz (who also produced Banksy's 2010 film offering Exit Through The Gift Shop).