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Brakay Art Installations in Italy

I once came across a quote that summed up modernity quite nicely. It went: Modern Art = I could do that + Yeah, but you didn't.

Fritha Hookway
October 11, 2011


I once came across a quote that summed up modernity quite nicely. It went:

Modern Art = I could do that + Yeah, but you didn't.

It works quite well in those situations where you're looking at something thinking, "I quite like what they've done here, but I'm really not sure why". One such situation occurred when stumbling upon the photographs of the outdoor installations that the collaboration between Brad Downey and Akay saw manifesting the streets of Grottagli, Italy. The duo, appropriately working under the name Brakay, created these installations as part of the Fame Festival this year. Using the narrow streets to their advantage, the pair went about inserting conceptual pieces like broom sticks and used car tyres into the wee nooks and crannies of the town.

The works epitomise the idea of playing around with your context for fun and not necessarily doing anything to make a huge point or carry some deep message. And it's hard to deny that walking into an alleyway that is decorated with penne pasta (once you get past the initial uhh..?) that you can really do anything other than have a wee chuckle.

Perhaps a stand out is the short film Tipping Point 2. A simple yet genius way of literally saying this city is our canvas. You possibly wouldn't be too thrilled if you were the local street sweeper though.

Sometimes it is nice to see something that is such a total juxtaposition to what you'd expect to see in your normal day and then find out that there's nothing more to it than some creative junkie just having a bit of fun.