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Camouflaged Bodyscape Photography

Jean-Paul Bourdier's breathtaking photos seamlessly integrate painted bodies into the background of wondrous natural topography.

Greta Mayr
August 20, 2012


Jean-Paul Bourdier is an award-winning photographer, author, film production designer and professor. Bourdier's long list of talents and prizes aside, his ephemeral photographs of body art and landscapes - or 'bodyscapes' as he affectionately calls them - truly speak for themselves. His breathtaking shots seamlessly integrate painted naked bodies into the background of wondrous natural topography.

Provocative, mesmerising and refreshingly unique, Bourdier's images will have you transfixed, so make sure you set aside a good amount of time to marvel at the many works of art in this collection. Here are 15 stunning photographs from his book, Bodyscapes, to give you a taste of his inspired style.

[Via Design You Trust]