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Chewing Gum Turned into Miniature Works of Art

A London artist is using chewing gum stuck to the ground as his street art canvas.

Joe McQuillen
June 15, 2011


For the best part of the past six years London artist Ben Wilson has spent his days painting pieces of chewing gum that have been stuck to the ground. Wilson transforms these sidewalk blemishes into miniature works of art.

The paintings range from animals, landscapes, portraits and even messages to pedestrians. Unsurprisingly his chewing gum art has turned him into something of a local celebrity, meaning he also does paintings on request for members of the local community - including apologies to girlfriends, thank you messages from managers to employees, a R.I.P. painting for a deceased postal worker and even a marriage proposal.

Despite this, Wilson has received some police interference including one arrest. Charges were quickly dropped after dozens of people wrote letters of support and Wilson was able to convince the police that it was not him actually sticking the chewing gum to the ground.

To create it all, Wilson first softens the chewing gum with a blowtorch then sprays it with a lacquer and finally applies three coats of acrylic enamel. The works usually only last one or two years depending on conditions but this does not bother Wilson, as in his words "everything is transitory, what's important is the creative process."

Images via Flickr users Jansos, Tezzer 57 and r3cycl3r

[via Gizmodo]