News Arts & Entertainment

Reviving Dead Words with Beautiful Typography

A blog called The Dead Words is using thematically appropriate typography to breathe new life into, well, dead words.

Greta Mayr
May 21, 2012


In an attempt to bring back to our vocabulary some long-forgotten words, a blog called The Dead Words is using thematically appropriate typography to breathe new life into them.

Curator of the project, Karen To, is attempting animate lost words which have slipped from our tongues, bringing them back into everyday language. Senticous, for example, means ‘prickly or thorny’ and is thus captured in green vine-like letters interlinked with one another.

Sagittifero (suh-jit-uh-fer-oh) adj.1656 -1858; bearing arrows

Celeberrimous (sel-uh-ber-ee-imuhs) adj.1768 -1768; very or most highly celebrated

Bonifate(boh-nee-feyt) adj.1656 -1656; lucky; fortunate

[Via Flavorwire]