News Arts & Entertainment

Surreal Images Caused by Google Earth Glitches

These dream-like pictures look as though they could be from the set of Inception, but they're actually screenshots from Google Earth
Amelia Walkley
March 16, 2011


These dream-like pictures look as though they could be from the set of Inception, but they're actually screenshots from Google Earth. Artist Clement Valla zooms into Google Earth at certain angles to reveal a surrealist vision of our world, capturing the images he finds. The only editing effects applied by the artist are basic color adjustments and cropping. A particular penchant for bridges and roads has resulted in an extraordinary collection of screenshots.

“I am collecting these new typologies as a means of conservation – as Google Earth improves its 3D models, its terrain, and its satellite imagery, these strange, surrealist depictions of our built environment and its relation to the natural landscape will disappear in favor of better illusionistic imagery. However, I think these strange mappings of the 2-dimensional and the 3-dimensional provide us with fabulous forms that are purely the result of algorithmic processes and not of human aesthetic decision making. They are artifacts worth preserving.”

[Via PSFK]