Travelling ‘SUN’ Sculpture Lights up the Scandinavian Winter

Two Scandy designers brighten up the dark Norwegian winters with their light sculpture.

Lucy McNabb
Published on October 07, 2013

On the cusp of a sun-filled scorcher of a summer, it’s hard to imagine going as long as three months without seeing the sun. But it’s precisely this seasonal phenomenon that Norwegian designers Christine Istad and Lisa Pacini have responded to, creating a travelling circular sculpture whose warm-coloured LED light mimics the absent sun.

Three metres in diameter, the glowing core of SUN changes in hue, moving from sunrise to sunset tones. The design is portable and adaptable, capable of being freestanding on a base or hung on a wall as an installation. The sculpture was transported by cruise ship and pick-up truck around Norway, bringing illumination to darkened cities starting from Tromsø in the country's north and ending in Bergen.

The project most recently journeyed as far as London, where it made an appearance at London Design Festival as part of the 10th anniversary of the annual 100% Norway exhibition run by the Norwegian Embassy, Norwegian Design Council and Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Each year the exhibition showcases the best and brightest from Norway’s art and design world, with this year’s special focus being light.

Via DesignBoom

Published on October 07, 2013 by Lucy McNabb
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