News Arts & Entertainment

Trecho 2.8 Project Gives Homelessness a Lens

A Brazilian project puts homelessness on the other side of the camera.
A.H. Cayley
November 08, 2010


An initiative of Instituto Brazis in partnership with Instituto GENS, Trecho 2.8 (Excerpt 2.8 in English) is a project aimed at encouraging the creativity of some of of Brazil's homeless population, and then turning that into a professional skill.

A group of ten homeless people who wished to learn photography were chosen to document their existence through the lens, providing a broad picture of the streets and surrounds of Brazil. The top 50 images have been selected for exhibition at the Op Art store space on Oscar Freire. They are images of beauty and poignancy; considered snapshots of the everyday and often ignored, much like their creators. Perhaps the most touching element of these images is the overwhelming sense of loneliness one feels upon seeing them. There are few human subjects between the 50 images, and none that seem warm, or familiar.

The photos will be auctioned in late October, and the photographers will be employed, sharing the net profit of Caititi, an organisation set up by the Brazis to generate income for them.

[Via PSFK]